Sunday, May 24, 2020
Comparing Two Views of Gay Marriage in America Essay
Marriage, by definition, is the institution whereby men and women are joined in a special kind of social and legal dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family. In today’s society however, things are changing. People of all genders are forming bonds with one another, and homosexuals are vying for the right to have their love established as marriage as well. Should men and men, and women and women, be allowed the right of marriage just like heterosexual couples in America? Andrew Sullivan and William Bennett have opposing opinions on this subject, however are more alike in opinion than they know. Their articles tell different stories, with the same general underlying tone. Gay people are people, just like†¦show more content†¦His argument is also trying to make you question what will happen if we do allow homosexual marriages. Will we then have to allow fathers to marry their daughters? Will we be going to the weddings of two sisters before we know it? Bennett believes that altering the conventional definition of marriage would change many things. According to Bennett, it would wipe away all the rules that dictate how we act. It would also send mixed signals about sexuality to people, especially to young children. As much as Sullivan and Bennett have two very differing opinions, they share some similar ideas. Both men share the idea that marriage is about the loving bond between two people, and that it is all about a family. Sullivan argues that homosexuals have feelings just like the rest of the world, and who’s to say they can’t fall in love? Bennett believes that what is so special about the bond of marriage is its bringing of two people in love together. Both believe in family, and people of all kinds, gay or straight, can have families together. Both of the articles are ideally taking a conservative approach to the idea of marriage as well. Sullivan is standing behind his idea that allowing gay marriage is very conservative. He is only looking to include people into the family-oriented lifestyle that have been cast out by society time and time again. Bennett is being conservative in the fact that he will not open his mind to new ideas, and believesShow MoreRelatedAnalys is Of The Movie The Kiss 952 Words  | 4 Pagesthough the two character’s kiss on L.A. Law never saw a relationship form, they got praise from one group during the time period. â€Å"The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation hailed NBC, saying the ‘historic smooch makes attorney C.J. Lamb †¦ the only recurring gay or bisexual female character currently on television†(Hastings, par. 2). The kiss, that lasted only a few seconds, was enough to give GLAAD a reason to celebrate. 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Same-sex marriage is a debatable topic that attracts many responses from those supporting and those opposing the issue. People who dispute gay marriage believe it is morally wrong, while gay rights activists believe that all marriages be treated equally. This dispute is put into several different lights including morals, family values and religion; and those of equality, constitutionality. Section 1: The first major law that affected same-sex marriage was the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).Read MoreThe Development Of Diverse Sexual Orientation2424 Words  | 10 Pagesorientation? Obviously, it has to be related to sex. It is a way for people to choose their partners to have sex with. Most of people would say it means either interested in men or are interested in women. This is called sexual orientation. In the book Gay Straight, and the reason why written by Simon LeVay, the first chapter of talker about what sexual orientation is, â€Å"We usually judge sexual orientation based on a person sexual attraction to men and to women- that is , on her or his feelings –as expressedRead More To Legalize, or Not to Legalize Gay Marriage Essay1971 Words  | 8 Pagesthese differences, yet Americans still ostracize the gay community as if they were less than human. Currently one specific controversy comes to mind in consideration of gays, and that is gay marriage . The controversies surrounding gay marriage include the legal, religious, and philosophical problems that allowing gay marriage could cause. 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In some cases, marriage between two people of the same sex is more commonly known as gay marriage. Here in the United States of America, it is believed that every citizen should h ave inalienable rights, yet LGBTQ communities are constantly denied of their human rights as an American. Due to their sexual orientation, they are
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
A Fight Against Discrimination - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1219 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/03/29 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Discrimination Essay Did you like this example? Based on my current research I have come to learn that the Sexual Discrimination Act of 1984 was modified on August 1 in the year of 2013 to prevent discrimination against any persons gender, sexual orientation and identity. Even though this act was put in place for people all over who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex; they still experience discrimination, hostility, and harassment in their everyday life. In response to Donald Trumps new Title IX proposal, he is completely out of line when he says that gender and sexual orientation should be determined at birth based on ones genitalia and that their classification is unchangeable, and any confusion will be confirmed using genetic test. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Fight Against Discrimination" essay for you Create order The purpose of this letter is to argue that Trumps new Title IX proposal is completely detrimental because ones gender, sexuality, and identity shouldnt be strictly regulated and construed based on societal norms. The knowledge that is taught in todays society has been constructed by the thoughts and opinions of those who have power and consider themselves knowledgeable. This branches from social constructivism and is parallel to the banking method of education. The teachers act as the people with power in the world and the students represent the society. Trump holds the power right now and as he constantly pours his thoughts about sexual identity into the society, people who lack intelligence learn from him and begin to follow his ignorant beliefs. This is exactly where we go wrong and where our knowledge gets construed. Education as a result, becomes an act of depositing information through the teacher (Trump) who is the depositor, to students (society) who are the depositories. (Freire) The information that trump is giving about gender being unchangeable is influencing his audience to think the same way. Because of this, society will now spread the negative proposition against people being able to change their appearance, genitalia and lifestyle to be more comfortable in the skin that they are in. Beverly Guy-Sheftall breaks down the difference between sex and gender and how those differences cause altercations between one another. It explains how gender acts as a function of a historical process. As we are growing in the womb society places a label on us when determining whether we will be a boy and a girl. This is seen mostly at Gender reveal parties when the color pink is shown when its a girl and the color blue is shown when its a boy. This is when young age binary comes into place because when we are born and raised, we are taught to be and act a certain way based on our gender. She also explains that gender as an analytic category is essential in achieving equality between men and women. This will prepare the next generation and make sure that they will have the knowledge to rise above all types of discrimination. But in contrast, Trumps theory totally debunks this conclusion and as Sheftall states; sexual authorities are a biological given, but gender as a function of h istorical process. So yes, you are either born male or female but your choice to alter your sex to fit the gender that you connect to the most. Identity defines your character, personality and place in society. Personal and social experiences that occur over a duration of time in someones life are situations that shape their identity. Someones perception in regard to another persons identity is profoundly related to stereotypical ideals. I strongly feel that Trumps prejudice acts against the LGBTQIA community is completely outrageous and unfair. He hasnt experienced what people go through when they feel like they are trapped in the wrong body and have to wake up every day and live a false life because they fear what society will think about them. A woman named Janet Mock lives a very comfortable life along with a very successful career, but her secret that she chose to share with the world was that she was actually born a boy. At 18 years old she traveled all the way to Thailand to undergo a gender reassignment surgery because she couldnt live another day with a penis in between her legs. Flashing back to when she was about 5 years old a girl next door dared Mock to run around in a nearby parking lot with a muumuu on. He accepted the dare and put the muumuu on and ran as fast as he could around the nearby parking lot. He was caught by his grandmother who scolded him for doing such a thing and then banished him on the patio. On the patio he played quietly with his sumo action figures that he loved because they had long hair and they were the only dolls he was able to play with. (Marie Claire) From that day forward, he knew that he was different and the actions that took place in the years that followed showed it as well. I tell this story to explain how a person can feel uncomfortable with being labeled under a gender that they dont feel represents who they are or who they want to be. Trumps new Title IX proposal can interfere with people being able to freely make changes to their appearance and identity which also prevents other young kids like Janet Mock from being able to express themselves or change their identity without being judged by what society has to say. Why is it that those who choose to be non-binary are considered to be failures? Is it because they dont meet the expectation of heteronormativity? The concept of gender binary only is only used to uphold the construct of heteronormativity. For example, the idea that all men love sports and that women dont is an expectation that is based on this heteronormative construct. These expectations are a result of out hetero-dominated society which dictates the way our life is structured. Transgenders, Queers, and People of Color are identities that dont fit inside the demands of heteronormativity. Heteronormativity is a system that works to normalize behaviors and societal expectations that are tied to the presumption of heterosexuality and an adherence to a strict gender binary. (Everyday Feminism) This proposal is a system that will fall under this category. Why try to put restrictions on the things that make us human and free beings? Using structures like, gender binary, patriarchal gender roles, and monogamy to make the world less free and more conformative is doing nothing but taking away the rights designated to us as US citizens. It is important for us to support the rights of LGBTQIA people because just like us they are human; their thoughts and opinions do matter. We have to stop discrimination against others who dont follow the societal norms that have been historically taught to us and passed on from generation to generation. I charge you and others like you to open up to the life beyond your knowledge and except what you learn and see. Dont just sit back and except the ignorant thoughts and opinions of authority but take a look at the lives of others. This can include making an inclusive environment in everyday places for every in society to be free from discrimination. Say no to Trumps Title IX proposal and make a change to fight against those who discriminate.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
“The Tell Tale Heart†and “The Black Cat†Free Essays
Kaleb Clem Mrs. Winslow English II Honors 31 October 2012 â€Å"The Tell-Tale Hearts†– â€Å"The Black Cat†Comparison â€Å"The Tell-Tale Hearts†and â€Å"The Black Cat†are two stories that share more similarities than differences. The plots both start out the same with a main character whose actions throughout the story makes apparent to the reader his insanity and have to deal with the internal and external dilemmas that are caused by the evil deeds, which both happen to be involved with murder, due to the unstable state of the man’s conscience. We will write a custom essay sample on â€Å"The Tell Tale Heart†and â€Å"The Black Cat†or any similar topic only for you Order Now The two stories have settings that are both strikingly similar. Both stories have a gothic, mysteriously dark setting. And both stories are set within the narrator and the main character’s home; however, â€Å"The Black Cat†had more than one setting. In â€Å"The Black Cat†the main character’s house is burned down and so he is forced to get a new one. More details are given about this house than his earlier house or the home in â€Å"The Tell Tale Heart. †We are told that the house is old, unlike the first one, and not what he and the wife are used to. The story also tells about the cellar, being such an important setting the narrator tells us that the psychological confinement is increased and taping that gets into our deepest fears concerning home and life. The characters from â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†and â€Å"The Black Cat†we see that for the most part, the stories are unbelievably alike. Both stories feature a man who is undoubtedly considered insane by the end of the story and who is the main character and policemen investigate under suspicion of murder. The Tell-Tale Heart†also has a neighbor who plays a small role in the story and The Black Cat contains the man’s wife, Pluto, and the second cat. The plot is almost exactly the same in both stories. Both stories feature a man who claims to be sane in the beginning although he proves to be otherwise later. The insanity in both characters differs. In â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart,†the man just seems to have a mental condition of sorts. In The Black Cat,†however, the main character is a raging alcoholic, which seems to be the main cause for his abnormal and malevolent behavior, like when he cut out Pluto’s eye. Pluto never did anything wrong, but the man was intoxicated. â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†and â€Å"The Black Cat†were very similar. They had almost the same plot. The settings in the stories were much in common, and both plots featured gothic elements with large houses and lack of character variety. How to cite â€Å"The Tell Tale Heart†and â€Å"The Black Cat†, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Origins of Pop Music free essay sample
These artists push the boundaries of what is considered avian grade, cool, and hip and constantly re-invent the medium. For this reason, pop music has helped make the music industry a multi-billion dollar a year business, one whose influence is reflected highly in all forms of todays media including film, video games, TV, and the internet Pop music is also a cultural force that resonates throughout the world, touching people and societies in ways those governments or politics cannot.Pop music began with the publication of sheet music. In the mid- to late 19th century, many homes in America had as their entertainment center a piano. This instrument served as a social gathering spot for many families and often as the first instrument many children learned to play. Sheet music, which transcribed note-for-note many orchestral or symphonic scores for easy reading, sold briskly all over the country. For those families who desired to have piano music in their homes but had no one to play it, player pianos were invented. Pop music began with the publication of sheet music. In the mid- to late 19th century, many homes in America had as their entertainment center a piano.This instrument revered as a social gathering spot for many barnacles and often was the first instrument many children learned to play. Sheet music, which transcribed note-for-note many orchestral or symphonic scores for easy reading, sold briskly all over the country. For those families who desired to have piano music In their homes but had no one to play it, player pianos were Invented. This device allowed the user to Insert a cylindrical roll punched with the notes of a tune into a cavity of a specially equipped piano that would then strike levers within the instrument and play back he keys without anyone touching them.Publishers of sheet music set up companies to meet the demand of those desiring their products, and would often scout out new composers and have their music made available in printed form for sale. This was the beginning of the music publishing Industry as we know it today. When pianos gave way to the phonograph around the beginning of the 20th century, popular renditions of music followed with them. Now instead of relying on mere piano music to provide entertainment, families could now hear what was then considered an accurate reproduction of an entire performance.Phonograph records allowed anyoneclot dweller or farmer; rich man or poor to enjoy music cheaply and conveniently. This opened new markets for music that would appeal to popular tastes, and the music industry began to expand In leaps and bounds. By the mid sass, a new form of music began to infiltrate the American social fabric. Whereas before most pop music centered on classical music, church hymns, and Civil war era ballads, this new music called Jazz began to bring a peculiar rhythmic beat to the scene that was Chocking; and Daring to behold.Jazz music was a uniquely African beat developed and nurtured by Black musicians In the south, east, and mid-west. Jazz musicand later another African-derived art form called bluessoon helped transform the music that was heardand those who were hearing it. Pop music now had begun to reflect more of the true multi-cultural fabric and segregate the music by labeling Jazz and blues with the derogatory title of race music, or music that was created by or appealed primarily to Blacks, and everything else as pop, for music that appealed primarily to whites. Yea rs later, the term rhythm and blues or RB was chosen as a less-offensive way to describe music for and from the Black community. ) Yet despite the artificial barriers imposed upon it, music continued to grow, further blurring any lines of demarcation. Musicians whom many considered as pop musicians began to borrow heavily from the Jazz and blues rhythms around them. By the early asss, this cultural and musical intermingling resulted in a new music called Dock and roller Rock and roll helped make American musicand the American music industryinto todays global phenomenon. Early rock pioneers like Eke Turner and the Kings ofRhythm, Bob Diddled, Muddy Waters, Louis Jordan, and Little Richard set a pace that artists like Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, Bill Haley, Elvis Presley and others imitated and emulated to an even greater degree of success, spurring on years later the ascension of such global acts as The Beetles, The Rolling Stones, The Yardarms, Cream, The Who, Manfred Mann, Led Zeppelin, and others. Pop music in the asss asss and asss morphed even further as Disco, Acid rock, Dance, and Techno all contribu ted their influence. But perhaps no greater influence on pop music has occurred than that of Rap.Rap music, a key component of the inner-city cultural movement called Hip-Hop, emerged out of the asss like no other musical trend in history. In the beginning, this art form was largely ignored by mainstream music companies, allowing it to develop like no other musical trend before or since. By the time mainstream America had placed it on its radar, Rap had become a sonic Juggernaut crushing all other forms in its path. Over the last 25 years, Rap has consistently outsold Rock, Country, Gospel, and even Jazz and R. In fact, Rap music is second only to pop in terms of marketability, profits, and appeal.It therefore seemed inevitable that Rap would further influence the pop field, giving rise to such artists as Pink, Beck, Mine, No Doubt, Kid Rock, Rage Against the Machine, and other top-grossing acts. Pop music has now entered into the 21st century with no end in sight to its commercial appeal, cultural impact, longevity, or profitability. With each generation, Pop music will always be that arbiter of taste and refinement in that it accuratelyfor good or badreflects all that that society has to offer. To paraphrase another musical saying, POP music is here to stay.
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